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Understanding Analytics

In blog, Featured News, Measurement by getpushing

Marketing analytics, by definition, is the study of data to evaluate the performance of marketing activity. Marketing a business takes more than creative flair; it is a data-driven process that should be based on research about your target audience, what they want and need, and how to reach them. Analytics or performance data is the basis of solid marketing. How …

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Graphic Design Best Practices

In art, design, digital advertising, digital marketing, Featured News, Graphics, tips by getpushing

In the age of all-things-digital, visual content reigns supreme. While video popularity is on the rise, graphic design still proves to be a key player in compelling readers and viewers to build a relationship with your brand. If you don’t yet have a working knowledge of graphic design basics, here are some simple rules to follow to make sure you’re …

Signs and Symptoms Your Website May Need to be Redesigned

In Internet Marketing, web design, Website Development by getpushing

As technologies evolve on the web, the habits and behaviors of the user are changed. In response to these changes, companies are re-launching their websites to tailor the user’s online habits and needs. A “website redesign” is much more than just updating the look and feel of the website. It involves re-assessing your target audience and creating solutions to their new …

4 Things to Consider When Planning Your New Website

In design, strategic planning, web design, Website Development by getpushing

1. Choose the right website domain. Your domain name is one of the first impressions your potential customer perceives about your company. Think long and hard about it; try to connect it to your existing brand and/or industry. The length of a domain is also very important. Some argue that longer domains are easier to remember, while others believe a …

Advantages of a Custom-Designed Website

In web design, Website Development by getpushing

Building a website is far more complicated than adding images and text to a pre-built template and making it available for everyone to see. This blog is designed to explain the crucial benefits you get with a professionally developed website versus a template. You may have seen promotions for website services in a package, typically offering clients a choice of …